Aktuelles: Der Niederländische Hochschultag kommt zurück! Ab dem 14. November findet Ihr jeden Tag einen neuen Vortrag zum Studieren in den Niederlanden und generellen Themen. Weitere Informationen gibt es unter www.niederlaendischer-hochschultag.de


Bachelor Degree programs in the EU

You want to start your undergraduate study? In Europe the Bachelor Degree is the entrance to your university life. But that is not the whole story. With your decision to start an academic career there are a lot of questions that might pop up:

Where do I want to study? Will I get accepted in my desired programs? What are the requirements? What are Credit Points? And what kind of a degree do I get? These questions are just a fractional amount of decisions you have to make.

To help you navigate through this jungle of new vocabulary and different conditions in different countries we built this website. Here you can find the most frequently asked questions answered and you can find a list of BA degree programs offered in Europe.

On bachelorstudyprograms.eu you find information on:

  • A list of Bachelor degree programs in Europe sorted by field of study
  • Bachelor programs
  • Differences in application procedure between EU-countries