Not all students can or want to study fulltime. There is a wide range of reasons students want to study part-time or want to study some semesters fulltime and others part-time. Below we have summarized what options you have and what the up- and downsides of these are.
1. Studying Fulltime
As a fulltime student you are enrolled with the University as a fulltime student. This means you can actually still choose how many courses you want to do in a semester and you can delay some or antedate others. Of course this always depends on the curriculum of your specific subject at your University. At a rough estimate though you can say that University students who study according to the standard period of study spend about 45 hours a week with their academic education. However, this does not mean that all subjects or semesters are equally intense. Many students still manage to have a job on the side to finance their living costs.
2.Working Part-Time
Many but not all Universities also offer part-time degree courses. This is a good option for those who have to be financially independent and need to work a lot on the side. Also, parents and informal care givers usually do not have the time to study fulltime. In general you can say that two part-time semesters equal one fulltime semester. Thus, most part-time study courses take longer than the average 3-4 year bachelor programs. Therefore for some the associate degree programs, which are shorter, can be a good solution.
3.Vocationally Integrated
This is a solution that is not offered in every country. Some countries like Germany and the Netherlands offer a study option that is integrated into the vocational world. This means students spend some time of their study at University and the other time at the company theyre employed at. In the contract of employment, the company ensures that the student and worker they educate for their needs should be staying with them after they finish their study. This is a good solution because most so called dual students get paid by their company for their work. Also the degree programs are specially designed to fit the span between the academic and the vocational world. However, a dual study can be quite strenuous because you have to fulfill the requirements of the University as well as your company. Therefore a dual degree program is not for everyone.